Dr. Maria Fabbro, Naturopathic Physician

Location: Metrotown
Languages: English
Naturopathic medicine is a natural method of healthcare that focuses on the whole person. My goal is to treat the cause of illness rather than simply treating the symptoms and to educate patients on how to maintain a lifetime of good health. My aim is to listen to and collaborate with my patients to create a safe and effective personalized health program to treat a variety of acute and chronic conditions. I have a general family practice with a special interest in treating women’s health issues, pediatrics, digestive concerns, type 2 diabetes, fatigue, allergies, and weight loss. I am licensed to prescribe most pharmaceutical medications when needed, such as bio-identical hormones, antibiotics, antidepressants, thyroid medications etc, however, my approach to pharmaceutical medications is to use them sparingly, and only when natural approaches have not worked to the patient or doctor's satisfaction.
I graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto in 1999. I am a member of the BCNA, (British Columbia Naturopathic Association) and the CAND (Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors) and am certified in Chelation, Pharmaceutical Prescribing, Intravenous Therapies, and Acupuncture. In my time off, I enjoy hiking, walking the dog, swimming and watching my children play various sports. Home is in New Westminster with my husband and three children.
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