Total Therapy Blog - Exercise Therapy


At Total Therapy, we're committed to helping you achieve your wellness goals, and we believe in making it easier and more affordable for you to...
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Linda, the Definition of a Resilient and Determined Woman

We are honoured to have the opportunity to introduce you to Linda, a lover of travel, a retired nurse, and a resilient and determined human...
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Tanya’s Journey: From Finance to Bodyworker (…and soon, Registered Massage Therapist!)

A Little More About Tanya We are so excited to be officially welcoming our very first Bodyworker to the TT team, Tanya Skipor! Tanya is...
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Strength Training for Youth

Strength Training for Youth Growing up through late elementary school and early high school, the idea of lifting weights to build muscle mass and get...
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Joint Replacement Prehab

This article was written by our Physiotherapist, Matt Janzen. Growing up in North Vancouver, I was a multi-sport athlete and competed at a high level in...
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Cardiovascular Disease & Exercise: Part 2

This article was written by our Kinesiologist, Katrina Kwai. Growing up playing multiple sports peaked my interest in health sciences at a young age. Upon completing...
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“The Dark Room” Concussion Treatment: What It Really Means

"The Dark Room" Concussion Treatment: What It Really Means Only a few decades ago (from a time I remember, so I’m feeling pretty old right...
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Winter is Here

This article was written by our Kinesiologist, Mae Nakano. Over the years, I have been incredibly lucky to have worked with a large variety of patients: from...
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Physical Literacy Part 2: Bear Walks

Bear Walks, from the physical literacy point-of-view (If you’d like a recap on what physical literacy is, check out this post here.) When I worked...
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High blood pressure? Try exercise snacking.

High blood pressure? Try exercise snacking. Are you a snacker? As we approach the holiday season, why not try on a new habit to improve...
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