Rhyn Rogers - Non-Registered Massage Therapist

Location: North Burnaby
Languages: English

From a young age, Rhyn's calling has been to help people feel better. The desire to work with the body and educate clients on long-term self-care has been a driving force in her life.

"I've always been interested in helping people feel better," Rhyn explains. "I knew I wanted to work in a field that focused on working with the body and educating clients about how to properly look after themselves long-term."

Rhyn's treatment philosophy is rooted in the belief that true healing begins with a deep mind-body connection. Her approach is to guide clients into their bodies, helping them pinpoint areas of discomfort, understand the root causes of their pain, and learn how to correct it. Rhyn addresses deep trigger points, fascial restrictions, and muscle strength and activation, all while actively involving her clients in the healing process.

When you schedule your initial treatment with Rhyn, you can expect a personalized experience. She begins by crafting a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs, setting achievable goals, and providing essential education about the underlying causes of your discomfort. Rhyn conducts thorough physical assessments to identify areas that require attention. During the massage, her technique is deep and slow, with active client participation and feedback, as together you work towards restoring optimal health.

Rhyn has experience working with the glutes, psoas, and the broader hip region, recognizing the importance of maintaining a functional hip area for overall well-being. In fact, if she could share one piece of advice, it would be to take care of your glutes - make sure they're strong, activated, massaged, and getting released.

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